Bisrat Girma,

I design and build meaningful experiences.

I am a FullStack Web Developer, My job is to build a user-friendly and fast website that is easy to use and reflects your unique message and identity.


About Me

With a diverse skill set that includes full stack development, AI integration and Cloud Computing, I am a well-rounded digital professional.

Softskills that speed up developement

Harnessing the synergy of soft skills, as a backend developer and team lead, I catalyze development by articulating complex technical concepts with clarity, steering the team with inspiring leadership, and optimizing workflows through adept time management. My collaborative spirit thrives on diverse perspectives, while my problem-solving acumen ensures swift navigation through challenges, all culminating in a dynamic environment where productivity soars and innovative solutions emerge.

Entreprenuerial and Growth Mindset

Embracing a growth and entrepreneurial mindset, I approach each project with a vision for innovation and expansion. My eagerness to learn fuels continuous improvement, while my entrepreneurial spirit drives me to seek out new opportunities and creative solutions. This proactive attitude is the cornerstone of my professional journey, where adaptability meets ambition, ensuring that every challenge is a stepping stone to greater achievements. 🌱🚀

  • Research
  • Team Leadership
  • Entreprenuerial
  • AWS